So it's official. We are parents of an "almost" one month old and have no idea what has taken place in the world during the past 30 days. We do know that Reed eats every three hours, poops and/or pees every two hours, growls at anyone who watches him while he's eating, and enjoys foot massages and relaxing baths as often as he can get them. We also know that it's best to not look in the mirror at ourselves until we can start getting a few more hours of sleep. It actually hasn't been that bad, but the baby arrival did hit us hard...especially me who was a rookie up until now.

Having my Mom and Dad spend the past three weeks with us was the best Christmas gift EVER! They cooked, cleaned and volunteered for baby watch night shifts. It doesn't get any better than that. We're pretty sure Reed wore them out as well, but then he'd flash them a smile and they'd be putty in his hands. Suckers!!! It'll be nice to see them again as well as the rest of our family in Ohio when we head back to the States next week.

As for the rest of our travels, we will be in Ohio Dec 17th through the 26th and then head to Seattle from the 26th through Jan 4th where we'll get to introduce Reed to his other siblings and spend time with family and friends. From there we'll fly to Florida to meet up with my Mom and Dad again. Rich will leave for Germany on January 10th (someone has to work, right?) and I'll stay in Florida through the 28th and head back in time for Rich's birthday. Crossing our fingers for warm weather!
Happy Holidays!