Reed and I spent the last two weeks of March visiting friends and family in Ohio. It was great being home and Reed really enjoyed being spoiled again. He spent a large portion of his time being carried around on his "throne" listening to Motown music with Grandpa Gary. As you can see from the picture below, he could only make it through a few songs before falling asleep in his furry, Ohio State blanket. I spent a lot of time eating, shopping, catching up on sleep and just hangin' out. It was so nice to relax and be home although we would have enjoyed it even more if Rich could have been with us! We're hoping to head back for a couple of weeks in August.

The day after returning from Ohio, Rich's brother, Andrew, his wife, Katherine, and their almost 2 year old daughter, Parker, came for a visit from Seattle. We spent the week hanging out with them in Bonn. While the first couple of nights were a little rough (Reed and Parker were quite jet-lagged and spent a few hours taking turns waking each other up), we had a great time touring new places around the city and soaking up the April sun! Below is a picture of Andrew "chillaxin' with Parker and Reed" at a beer garden along the Rhine river. Parker was kind enough to allow Reed to borrow her shades for the picture. Also included (big surprise!!!) is a pic of Rich's lunch. Once again, the Germans are making a good impression on Rich with their currywurst specialty!

We spent a windy afternoon in Cologne as well. Katherine and I are standing in front of the famous Cologne dome which is one of the only landmarks that remained standing after the WWII bombings. Most of the city was destroyed during the war.

We're very proud to say that Reed held his bottle by himself (well for 20 seconds!) for the first time in the local Kolsch beer pub. What better place to hold your own bottle for the first time?!

We just found out that next weekend is a four day weekend for Rich because of Easter. It's safe to assume that we would have known this if our German was better and we could have read the email communication including this info. ;-) Not much time to plan a big trip, but we're hoping to get away for a couple days to explore a new city. Stay tuned!