Hallo?? How to reach us:
home phone: (206)-922-2319
address: Meckenheimer Allee 145 | 53115 Bonn, Germany

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Break out the Bubbly!

No...not for New Year's celebrating...we're engaged! Somehow I managed to dupe Makayla into saying "okay" to me when I asked her the big, big question. Not sure how I managed to be so lucky, but she says the same thing about me, which is how we came up with the url for our blog. We truly are a couple of crazy kids very much in love.

This is the inaugural post on our wedding blog, and it seems fitting that our first post be our announcement, right? Check back often for updates on our planning: details such as when and where, and perhaps even some entertaining photos documenting the coming months of planning insanity..


  1. Congratulations! What a beautiful Ring. We will be glued to this site to stay up-to-date on all the excitement :))
    Love, Mom, Dad Temer (and Arbor)

  2. Just as directed, I've broken out the bubbly!! Congrats to you both. Can't wait to share a little toast with you crazy kids in person. Here's to two fabulous people finding one another. xoxo - Mel + Eric

  3. That is fantastic! I cannot wait to meet you Makayla. Looking forward to seeing you two. I'll save the bubbly till we're all together. Todd,
