We had our 30 week ultrasound last week! Don't think it's something they normally do in the US, but it's standard here and we were happy to sneak some more peeks of the baby. Our doctor was on vacation so we met with her German speaking partner. When she started the ultrasound she pointed at the baby and said, "ahhhh, pooh pooh". We weren't exactly sure what that meant, but soon realized that the baby is in breech position. Hopefully he cooperates, and turns himself around. Other than that, all looks good! It's hard to believe we only have nine weeks left.
We spent most of last week continuing to unpack, organize and assemble things. We're happy to report that, as of Sunday night, 90% of our flat is complete. Makayla's mom, Pam, is coming to visit this week for 10 days, so we figured it would be a good idea to buy a bed frame for the mattress sitting on the floor in the guest bedroom. Of course, you knew it couldn't be quite that easy, right?? Well, the good thing is we bought the bed frame. The bad thing is that bed sizes in Europe are different than the US, so the frame is slightly bigger than the bed (sorry Pam!). Nothing a little padding, duct tape, and finger crossing can't fix.
We're also proud new owners of a dishwasher and a "working" American grill! After using sign language to buy a propane can at Knauber (German Home Depot) a couple of weeks ago, Rich discovered that American grill parts don't play nice with German propane can parts, and we needed a European thingy to connect the two. He managed to hunt down a store in Austria that carried one, and we received it just in time for the weekend. We decided to invite some friends over for dinner on Saturday night just so we could use our grill and our dishwasher. Unfortunately, our lack of German speaking skills bit us at the meat market when Rich accidentally ordered WAY too much steak (and Makayla would like to add....WAY too expensive), but the weekend called for a celebration so we made sure to enjoy every last bite of it.
In other news, Rich will be heading back to Seattle this weekend to visit his family. It's hard to believe that we've already been here for 2 1/2 months! He'll be working while he's home, but hopes to organize a night so that he can see many of you. He'll be sure to send an email out with some details.
Oh, and we spoke too soon regarding our internet/phone. Apparently, Telekom lost our order (again!) and we are now scheduled to have our internet/phone installed on Oct 1st. We were able to "borrow" our neighbors wifi, but still don't have access to our home phone which means no free calling for another week and a half. Bummer.
Last but not least, Makayla had another successful driving experience this past weekend. She came very close to 6th gear, but unfortunately downshifted to 4th on accident. Other than that, she is confident with driving to the supermarket (approx 1.5 miles away) which is great news as the pressure is on with Rich leaving town and Pam's shared lack of manual driving skills.
We have like 8 RAW events planned for when Rich is here but I'm concerned we may not have enough food.
ReplyDeleteThis week's baby bump picture is STUNNING by the way.