We admit it-we have been very lazy in our blog updates. So we've condensed our 2 month US holiday trip below. Hopefully this will catch everyone up on our busy lives. Funny how the length of time since our last blog post and the age of Reed are so close!
Due to popular demand, we thought we should share a recent picture of Reed. Here he is with Grandpa Gary. As you can see, he's a very happy baby! And why wouldn't he be? He was held the entire time we were in the US!

Our first stop in the US was O-H-I-O. We had a great time spending 9 days with family and friends! Unfortunately, Rich wasn't able to participate in the first family Christmas party due to some serious jet lag (or Jack & Coke). But, he wasn't alone-Reed and my cousin's little girl, Abby, were right there with him.

Mom and Dad also hosted an Open House to introduce Reed to most of the state. He had a great time and experienced the same thrill when he woke up Christmas morning to open presents.

Next stop-Seattle! We spent a few days with Rich's parents in Bellingham which was very relaxing. In fact, we extended our stay another day so that we could take advantage of the good company (and good babysitters!). Rich's kids got to meet Reed for the first time which was pretty entertaining. They're already asking if we think we'll have another one....and, they've requested a girl. We told them it was dependent on if they could guarantee us that they'll get full college scholarships. While we left Seattle feeling like we saw a lot of people, we still wish we would have had another week to visit more friends. Next time!

Our last stop in the US was Florida. My parents rented a house for the month of January. Who can pass that up right?! So, Rich stayed for a week and I stayed through the end of January. I was a little worried that it would be hard to take care of Reed by myself-what was I thinking? I didn't even see the little guy unless I hunted him down. He was either rocking in the chair with Grandma Pam, taking walks in his stroller with Grandpa Gary, or watching movies into the wee hours of the morning with Uncle Nate.

The only thing that would have made the Florida stay better, would have been if Rich joined us, but I guess someone has to work in our family. That being said, Rich managed to keep fairly busy while were away. He went skiing in Austria with some friends and had a great time. He enjoyed the traditional "apres ski" event which included drinking beer and wine in outdoor bars in 15 degree weather. Unfortunately, he hurt his knee while skiing and after getting the MRI results today, it looks like he'll be getting surgery Thursday. He tore his miniscus, but was assured that it's a minor outpatient surgery and he'll be back on the slopes in a month. Knowing Rich, he'll be back on the slopes next weekend.
What's happening now? We're back in Germany and getting adjusted to the time zone. It's a LOT easier to do when you aren't used to sleeping regular 8 hour nights. I guess I owe a big Thanks to Reed for that! We're hoping to do a road trip in a few weeks so be on the lookout for a new post!