Now that the holidays and jet lag are over, we figure it's time to get back in the swing of things. For starters, we both need to hit the gym! Rich's surgery went really well last week and he's been given the "OK" to ride a stationary bike and work his way up to running in a few weeks. He was on crutches for a few days, but can walk without them now and feels pretty good. Our gym is at our office which means two days a week Reed gets to have lunch with Dad in the cafeteria while I go to the gym. So far it's been uneventful as Reed has slept through both lunches, but I expect a good story in the near future....
We're learning we're not the only ones who need a schedule. Reed is getting to the age (3 months!) where he needs to start sleeping and playing on a slightly more strict schedule. Up until this point, we've been playing "peek-a-boo" at all hours of the night. Although it's fun to watch him smile, laugh, and kick his arms and legs at 3am, it's not nearly as fun when he gets tired and cranky and can't fall asleep. We'd be lying if we said the last couple of weeks have been a piece of cake, although we may have made it through the worst part. He has been sleeping like a champ the last couple of days which has made all three of us much happier!

We are headed to Paris this Thursday for a long weekend. We forgot that Valentine's Day was this week so it will be the perfect way to celebrate. We weren't sure if Valentine's Day existed in Germany, but after walking through the city center this past week and seeing all of the stores with "Valentinstag" heart decorations in their windows, we're pretty sure they do. Since Germans are pretty generous with holiday time, we were hoping that Rich would get the day off work, but it doesn't seem that they've recognized it as a "national holiday" yet. :-)
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